What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is a process in which an organization or facility is evaluated against a set of standards to ensure that it is competent to perform a specific type of activity or service. Accreditation is often used to ensure that organizations or facilities that perform a particular activity or service meet certain standards of quality and competence.


There are many different types of accreditation programs, each of which is designed to evaluate organizations or facilities that perform a specific type of activity or service. For example, there are accreditation programs for laboratories that perform testing, schools and universities, healthcare facilities, and many other types of organizations.

Accreditation is a certification or verification that an organization maintains high standards and achieves professional credentials that may be required (or highly encouraged) in the industry, signaling a level of excellence.

Accreditation is a formal recognition of competence in accordance with European and international standards. Accreditation has been used for over 50 years as the definitive means of evaluating organizations and is now utilized by all the world's major economies and many developing economies.

According to ISO/IEC 17011, definition of accreditation is; A "Accreditation refers to third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks."

Requirements regarding the quality of goods and services are continuously increasing as a result of the liberalisation of global trade and increasing demands by consumers, companies and legislators.

Whether for environmental protection, in the food or electrical industry, health care or renewable energy - for these and many other industries, objective testing, calibrations, inspections or certifications therefore play a very important role.

Accreditation is formal, third-party recognition that an organization is competent to perform specific tasks - the work for which they are accredited.

Accreditation can be voluntary or mandated by government. It is a continuous quality improvement process to demonstrate that internationally and/or nationally prescribed standards have been met.

As a professional symbol of competency, accreditation impacts a wide variety of fields, from construction and education to food safety and healthcare. No matter the industry, if you want to prove you perform with excellence, authority, and credibility, you seek accreditation.

Get Accredited

Accreditation by U.S. Accreditation will boost the profile of your business and demonstrate its commitment to being a quality education provider, respected worldwide.