Accreditation bodies are organizations that evaluate and certify that companies, organizations, or individuals meet certain predetermined standards in a specific area or field. Ensuring the quality of the accreditation process is an important responsibility of accreditation bodies, as it helps to ensure the credibility and reliability of the accreditations they issue.
To ensure the quality of the accreditation process, accreditation bodies may implement a variety of measures, including:
- Establishing clear and consistent criteria for evaluating organizations or individuals: Accreditation bodies should have clear and objective criteria in place that outline the standards that organizations or individuals must meet in order to be accredited.
- Training and qualifying evaluators: Accreditation bodies should ensure that the evaluators they use are properly trained and qualified to assess the organizations or individuals being evaluated.
- Implementing a robust quality management system: Accreditation bodies should have a quality management system in place that guides their operations and helps to ensure the consistency and reliability of their evaluations.
- Seeking feedback and continuously improving the process: Accreditation bodies should seek feedback from the organizations or individuals they evaluate, and should use this feedback to continuously improve their process and ensure that it remains fair, impartial, and transparent.
Overall, ensuring the quality of the accreditation process is critical to maintaining the credibility and reliability of the accreditations issued by accreditation bodies.
U.S. Accreditation helps industry and facilitates trade by providing accreditation and training and serving as architects for the conformity assessment structure of industry-specific programs.
Who do we want to be, what do we aspire to?
United States Accreditation Inc. strives to conduct the accreditation activity:
- in a competent, impartial, ethical and reliable manner;
- relying on knowledge and experience of appropriately motivated
- personnel and engaging external experts with specialist knowledge;
- in accordance with the national and international requirements;
- taking into account the current context of the organization and stakeholders' expectations.
What have we been established for?
We want to actively contribute to increasing the competitiveness of products in the context of globalization and to promote the protection of life, education, health and safety of people, environment, protection of consumer interests and ensure a satisfying its growing.
The mission of United States Accreditation Inc. for Accreditation is to support economic development by removing technical barriers to trade, while safeguarding public interests, such as health and safety, education, environmental protection and public security.
To achieve this goal we will consider the need for awareness of authorities, businesses and consumers on the importance of accreditation and the benefits it gives them.
- > Accreditation of Personnel Certification Bodies
- > Accreditation for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
- > Accreditation for Medical Testing Laboratories
- > Accreditation for Inspection Bodies
- > Accreditation for Building Department Third-party Service Providers
- > Building Department Accreditation
- > Curriculum Development Accreditation
- > Fabricator Inspection Accreditation
- > Field Evaluation Body Accreditation
- > Fire Prevention and Life Safety Department Accreditation
- > FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Program
- > Accreditation for Inspection Agencies
- > Cold-Formed Steel Component Manufacturer Inspection Accreditation
- > Metal Building Assemblers Inspection Accreditation
- > Metal Building Systems Inspection Accreditation
- > Accreditation for Product Certification Agencies
- > Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditation
- > Accreditation for Reference Material Producer
- > Accreditation for Special Inspection Agency
- > Accreditation for Training Agencies
- > VEGAN Vegetarian Accreditation
- > Food Safety Standard (FSS) Accreditation
- > Threat Agent Testing Laboratory Accreditation Program
- > FDA ASCA Pilot Program (Basic Safety And Essential Performance)
- > EPA National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP)
- > FDA ASCA Pilot Program (Biocompatibility Testing of Medical Devices)
- > Cybersecurity Inspection Body Program
- > Competition Animal Drug Testing Laboratory Accreditation Program
- > Forensic Examination Accreditation Program
- > Food And Pharmaceutical Programs
- > BIFMA Compliant Program
- > Accreditation for Cannabis Testing
- > Accreditation for Consumer Product Safety Testing (CPSC)
- > Telecommunication Certification Body Program
- > CA ELAP Laboratory Assessment Program
- > Veterinary Laboratory Accreditation Program
- > ISO 20387 Biobanking Accreditation Program
- > Accreditation for ISO 29993 Learning Services
- > ASTM E2659 Accreditation for Educational Institutions
- > Hospital and Health Care Services Accreditation
- > Financial Accreditation
- > Accreditation for Government Agencies
- > Airport Carbon Accreditation
- > Airport Health Accreditation
- > Management System Certification Bodies
- > Accreditation for Human Health Care Management System
- > Accreditation for Asset Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Business Continuity Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Quality Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- > Accreditation for Environmental Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Information Technology Service Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Information Security Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Food Safety Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Medical Device Quality Management Systems
- > Accreditation for Energy Management Systems
- > Accreditation for ISO 55001 Ensuring Effective Asset Management
- > Accreditation for ISO 14064 Supporting Organizations in Managing and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- > Accreditation for ISO 29994 Ensuring the Quality of Learning Services and Programs
- > Accreditation for ISO 29991 Demonstrating Quality in Language Learning Services
- > Accreditation for ISO 21001 Ensuring Quality in Educational Organizations
- > Accreditation for ISO 37001 Advancing Anti-Bribery Management Systems
- > ISO/IEC 17065 & other Assessment and Accreditation
- > Organic Agriculture
- > Canada Organic Regime
- > Organic Cosmetics
- > Cosmos Organic
- > Natrue
- > Sustainable Agriculture
- > Sustainable Energy Testing Program
- > EPA WaterSense Program
- > KOSHER Accreditation
- > NON-GMO Accreditation
- > Cruelty-Free Accreditation
Get Accredited
Accreditation by U.S. Accreditation will boost the profile of your business and demonstrate its commitment to being a quality education provider, respected worldwide.