
Accreditation bodies are organizations that evaluate and certify that companies, organizations, or individuals meet certain predetermined standards in a specific area or field. One of the principles of accreditation is confidentiality, which means that the accreditation body must respect the confidentiality of the organizations or individuals being evaluated, and must not disclose any sensitive or proprietary information without their consent.


There are several reasons why confidentiality is important in the accreditation process. First, it helps to protect the privacy of the organizations or individuals being evaluated, and ensures that their sensitive or proprietary information is not disclosed without their permission. Second, it helps to maintain the integrity and impartiality of the accreditation process, as it prevents the disclosure of sensitive information that could potentially influence the evaluation.

Accreditation bodies typically have strict policies in place to ensure the confidentiality of the organizations or individuals they evaluate. These policies may include provisions for handling sensitive information, such as the use of non-disclosure agreements, secure storage of documents, and the destruction of sensitive materials after the evaluation is complete.

Overall, confidentiality is an important principle of accreditation that helps to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the process, and protects the privacy of the organizations or individuals being evaluated.

All full-time and external employees of U.S. Accreditation, members of United States Accreditation Inc. committees as well as all other persons that obtain knowledge of accreditation cases or receive other information as a result of their roles, are required to treat this information in confidence.

These types of obligations are either directly set out in employment contracts, by-laws, procedure descriptions, or may be included in separate confidentiality agreements in special cases. The confidentiality obligation may be removed in special cases with the agreement of the conformity assessment bodies.

Such an agreement is not required if United States Accreditation Inc. is required to provide information by law, and the affected party has been informed in this regard. In this case, the affected contract partner will be notified of the provision of such information.

Members of United States Accreditation Inc. committees may be excluded from the transfer of certain information if this breaches the conditions of EN ISO/IEC 17011 (e.g. in the case of potential conflicts of interest).

At U.S. Accreditation, we prioritize impartiality as a cornerstone of our accreditation activities. Upholding the highest standards of fairness, objectivity, and transparency is essential to fostering trust and credibility among our stakeholders. To ensure our commitment to impartiality, we adhere to the following principles:

  1. Conflict of Interest Management: We proactively identify and manage potential conflicts of interest among our staff, assessors, technical experts, and decision-makers. Individuals with conflicts are not involved in the accreditation process for affected organizations.

  2. Objectivity: Our accreditation decisions are based on objective evidence and verifiable criteria. We do not allow personal preferences, opinions, or biases to influence our assessment and decision-making process.

  3. Equal Treatment: We treat all organizations seeking accreditation fairly and consistently, regardless of their size, location, or affiliation. We provide equal access to our accreditation services and apply the same criteria and procedures to all applicants.

  4. Transparency: We clearly communicate our commitment to impartiality and provide stakeholders with easy access to our policies and procedures that safeguard it.

  5. Accountability: Our impartiality committee, composed of representatives from various stakeholder groups, oversees and maintains our impartiality. We offer a mechanism for individuals or organizations to report concerns related to impartiality, ensuring that these concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

  6. Continuous Improvement: We regularly review and update our impartiality policies and procedures to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. By collecting feedback from stakeholders, we implement improvements as needed.

At U.S. Accreditation, we understand the vital role that impartiality plays in the accreditation process. By adhering to these principles, we demonstrate our unwavering commitment to ensuring that accredited organizations are recognized for their competence and adherence to high-quality standards.

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Accreditation by U.S. Accreditation will boost the profile of your business and demonstrate its commitment to being a quality education provider, respected worldwide.